Fwd: PERVASIVE 2006: Call for Papers

Delivered-To: mj@percomp.de From: Rene Mayrhofer (PERVASIVE 2006 Publicity Co-Chair) <rene@soft.uni-linz.ac.at> To: <mj@percomp.de> Subject: PERVASIVE 2006: Call for Papers Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2005 11:18:31 +0200 (CEST) X-Scanned-By: MIMEDefang 2.44
The 4th International Conference on Pervasive Computing
Dublin, Ireland May 7--10, 2006
v The PERVASIVE 2006 Chairs and Organising Committee are pleased to announce the call for papers for the 4th International Conference on Pervasive Computing to be held in Dublin Ireland from the 7th to the 10th of May 2006 in the Burlington Hotel.
PERVASIVE is an international conference held annually which aims to present significant research contributions in the area of pervasive computing technologies, systems and applications. The last three conferences in this series were held in Munich (May 2005), Linz/Vienna (April 2004) and Zurich (August 2002). It provides a forum for researchers, developers, and users throughout the world to present advances in computing technology toward new modes of operation (ubiquitous, continuous, and self-organised) and toward new usage models (ambient, context-aware, and closely integrated into human activities and environments). In addition to a highly selective single-track program for technical papers, PERVASIVE 2006 will include a keynote address, late breaking results, videos, poster presentations, workshops, demonstrations, an outreach public lecture and a doctoral colloquium.
Authors are invited to submit manuscripts of original unpublished research work in all areas. Relevant topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
* Device, communication, and interaction technologies for pervasive computing * Pervasive sensing, perception and inference for context technologies * Software infrastructure, middleware and frameworks for pervasive computing systems and environments * Analysis, design, implementation and evaluation of pervasive systems and applications * Deployment and management of pervasive systems and services and emerging industrial scenarios * Pervasive computing interaction models, user interfaces and user experience * Privacy, security and trust in pervasive computing.
Important Dates: September 30, 2005 : Paper Submission Deadline December 16, 2005 : Notification of Acceptance/Rejection February 10, 2006 : Camera-Ready Paper Deadline May 7, 2006 : Workshops May 8 - 9, 2006 : Main Conference May 10, 2006 : Doctoral Colloquium
Submissions: Papers should be a maximum of 15 pages and adhere to the LNCS style as the main conference proceedings wiull be published in the Springer Verlag LNCS series.
Full papers should be submitted via the EDAS system. Once logged in select the Pervasive 2006 conference to submit your paper. If you do not already have an account with EDAS you can register at http://www.edas.info/Conferences.cgi
General Chair Paddy Nixon, University College Dublin, Ireland
Conference Chair Aaron Quigley, University College Dublin, Ireland
Program Committee Co-Chairs Ken Fishkin, Intel Research, USA Bernt Schiele, Darmsadt University of Technology, Germany
Program Committee Gregory Abowd(Georgia Tech) Matthew Chalmers (Glasgow) Michael Beigl (Karlsruhe) Nigel Davies (Lancaster) Anind Dey(CMU) Hans Gellersen (Lancaster) Ken Hinckley (Microsoft) Antonio Krueger(Muenster) John Krumm (Microsoft) Anthony LaMarca (Intel Research) Marc Langheinrich (ETH) Paul Lukowicz (ETH) Chandra Narayanaswami (IBM) Brian Noble (Michigan) Don Patterson (UC Irvine) Dan Russell (IBM) Albrecht Schmidt (Munich) Thomas Strang (DLR, Germany) Paris Smaragdis (MERL) Joshua Smith (Intel Research) Mirjana Spasojevic (Yahoo) Yoshito Tobe (Dendai) Khai Troung (Toronto)
Late-Breaking Results Co-Chairs Tom Pfeifer, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland Albrecht Schmidt, University of Munich, Germany Woontack Woo, GIST, S. Korea
Workshops Co-Chairs Vinny Cahill, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Thomas Strang, German Aerospace Centre, Germany
Video Co-Chairs Gavin Doherty, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Frederic Vernier, l'Université Paris-Sud, France
Demonstrations Chair Kieran Delaney, Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland Bill Yerazunis, MERL, USA
Doctoral Colloquium Co-Chairs Matthew Chalmers, University of Glasgow, UK Joe Kiniry, University College Dublin, Ireland
Volunteers Co-Chairs Lorcan Coyle, University College Dublin, Ireland Steven Neely, University College Dublin, Ireland
Publicity Co-Chairs Simon Dobson, University College Dublin, Ireland Rene Mayhofer, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria
Local Organising Committee Vinny Cahill, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Simon Dobson, University College Dublin, Ireland Gareth Jones, Dublin City University, Ireland Paddy Nixon, University College Dublin, Ireland Gregory O'Hare, University College Dublin, Ireland Tom Pfeifer, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland Aaron Quigley, University College Dublin, Ireland
Full Details: http://www.pervasive2006.org/
Matthias Jänichen
participants (1)
Matthias Jaenichen