*** VOTE-ID 2007: First Conference on E-Voting and Identity ***

*** VOTE-ID 2007: First Conference on E-Voting and Identity *** Bochum (Germany) October 4 - 5, 2007 This workshop is the international research meeting point for e-voting experts from different disciplines: Computer Scientists (security, usability, availability, and software engineering), Lawyers, Sociologist and Politicians. *Program Chairs* Ammar Alkasar (Sirrix AG security technologies, GE) Melanie Volkamer (Institute of IT-Security and Security Law, GE) *Program Committee * Josh Benaloh (Microsoft Research, US) Klaus Brunnstein (University of Hamburg, GE) Rüdiger Grimm (University of Koblenz-Landau, GE) Marit Hansen (Independent Center of Privacy Protection, GE) Dirk Heckmann (University of Passau, GE) David-Olivier Jaquet-Chiffelle (University of Applied Sciences of Bern, CH) Frank Koob (Federal Office for Information Security, BSI GE) Robert Krimmer (evoting.cc, AT) Ronald Leenes (Tilburg University, NL) Helger Lipmaa (University College London, UK) Sjouke Mauw (University of Luxembourg, LU) Margaret McGaley (NUI Maynooth, IR) Lilian Mitrou (University of the Aegean, GR) Olivier Pereira (University Catholique de Louvain, BE) Günther Pernul (University of Regensburg) Andreas Pfitzmann (Technical University of Dresden, GE) Bart Preneel (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BE) Kai Rannenberg (University Frankfurt, GE) Peter Ryan (Newcastle University, UK) Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi (University of Bochum, GE) Joseph Savirimuthu (University of Liverpool, UK) Berry Schoenmakers (TU Eindhoven, NL) *GOAL* The aim of this Workshop is to bring together e-voting specialists in order to discuss * all forms of E-Voting (including but not limited to polling station, mobile voting, kiosk or remote voting by electronic means) * the role of identity and identification for E-Voting systems * profiling aspects * role of commercial voting systems; are commercial identity management systems suitable for e-voting? * threats: identity frauds/theft, privacy issues * usability and accessibility issues (both for voters and for administrators) * legal issues * design and analysis of E-Voting schemes and protocols, their deployment and lifecycle concerns * security requirements, formal analysis and evaluation of electronic voting schemes and systems * concrete issues, like necessity of verifiability/digital receipts problems/anonymous channel in practise * interdisciplinary issues involved (link between identity and digital identity and E-Voting) * interrelationship with and the effects of E-Voting on democratic institutions and processes as well as voter behaviour * social and political analysis of the effects of electronic voting * new ways of solving the voting paradigm of unequivocal identification of the voter and full anonymity of the vote *Submission Guidelines* There is a strict limit of 12 pages. Follow carefully the LNCS instructions at http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html. Send your paper to VOTE-ID2007@sirrix.com till 31th July 2007 23:59 (CET). All submissions should be anonymized (an author's name should only occur in references to that author's related work, which should be referenced in the third person and not overtly distinguishable from the referenced work of others). Each submission should have a contact author who should provide full contact information (email, phone, fax, mailing address). One author of each accepted paper will be required to present the work at the workshop. Submissions must not substantially duplicate work that any of the authors has published elsewhere or has submitted in parallel to any other conference or workshop with proceedings. Information about submissions may be shared with program chairs of other conferences for that purpose. Accepted Contributions Full paper submissions will be subject to a double-blind review. Accepted papers will be available as pre-proceedings at the conference. The post-proceedings are planed to be published within LNCS Springer, including the feedback of the workshop discussion and after the final approvement will Springer. *Deadlines* Conference of the paper.................... 31th July 2007 Notification of acceptance ...... 3th September 2007 Receipt of the final paper......... 19th October 2007 *Contact Address* Sirrix AG security technologies Ammar Alkassar Im Stadtwald, Geb. D3 2 66123 Saarbrücken Germany E-Mail: VOTE-ID2007@sirrix.com http://www.sirrix.com/content/pages/voteidcfp.htm http://www.sirrix.com/download/CFP-VOTEID2007.pdf
participants (1)
Ammar Alkassar