CfP: International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information and Communication Security 2006

Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message. The following CFP is also available at ============================== Call for Papers ============================= International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information and Communication Security /\ ||__^_ /\ ETRICS 2006 _/\_| \_||______________________________________________________________ June 6-9, 2006, FREIBURG, GERMANY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN COOPERATION WITH: ACM SIGSAC IEEE DFG (German Research Foundation) GI (German Society for Computer Science) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONFERENCE SCOPE: Protecting information and communication systems and services from malicious use is essential for their deployment and acceptance. In addition to applying techniques from traditional security research and security engineering, it is necessary to take into account the vulnerabilities originating from increased mobility at application level and the integration of security requirements into business processes. ETRICS solicits research contributions focusing on emerging trends in security and privacy. Submissions may present foundational research in security and privacy, report experiences from novel applications of security technologies, as well as discuss their changing impact on society and economy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPICS of interest include but are not limited to: - Access control and secure audit - Analysis of security protocols - Anonymity services - Cryptographic primitives - Electronic payment systems - Enforcement of security policies - Language-based security - Privacy and identity management - Secure mobile code - Secure operating systems - Security requirements engineering - Security verification - Vulnerability and threat analysis ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Affiliated WORKSHOPS: - Security and privacy in business services - Security in ubiquitous computing - Usable security - Security engineering ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAPER SUBMISSION: Papers submitted to ETRICS will be peer-reviewed and accepted papers will be published in a volume of Springers Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Submissions should clearly state the research contribution, their relevance to the conference theme, as well as their relation to prior research. Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers limited to 15 pages following Springers guidelines. Papers must be submitted electronically in PS or PDF format through the online submission system at and be received by January 6, 2006. Authors of accepted papers must sign a copyright statement and guarantee that their paper will be presented at the conference. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT DATES: Submission deadline: January 6, 2006 Notification of authors: February 27, 2006 Final Submission due: March 17, 2006 ETRICS takes place: June 6-9, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM COMMITTEE: - Günter Müller, U of Freiburg, Germany (Chair) - Gerhard Schneider, U of Freiburg, Germany (Co-Chair) Vijay Atluri, Rutgers University, USA Tuomas Aura, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK David Basin, ETHZ, Switzerland Elisa Bertino, Purdue University, USA Joachim Biskup, University of Dortmund, Germany Johannes Blömer, University of Paderborn, Germany Manfred Broy, TU München, Germany Jeremy Bryans, University of Newcastle, UK Johannes Buchmann, TU Darmstadt, Germany Jan Camenisch, IBM Research Lab., Switzerland Clemens Cap, University of Rostock, Germany David Chadwick, University of Kent, UK Richard Clayton, Cambridge University, UK Bruno Crispo, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL Frederic Cuppens, École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications de Bretagne, France Mads Dam, Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Sweden Yves Deswarte, LAAS-CNRS, France Simone Fischer-Hübner, Karlstad University, Sweden Willi Geiselmann, TH Karlsruhe, Germany Dieter Hutter, DFKI, Germany Sushil Jajodia, George Mason University, USA Matthias Jarke, RWTH Aachen, Germany Jan Jürjens, TU München, Germany George Kesidis, Pennsylvania State University, USA Hiroaki Kikuchi, Tokai University, Japan Hartmut König, BTU Cottbus, Germany Kaoru Kurosawa, Ibaraki University, Japan Klaus-Peter Löhr, FU Berlin, Germany Norbert Luttenberger, Christian-Albrechts University, Germany Patrick McDaniel, Pennsylvania State University, USA Chris Mitchell, Royal Holloway University of London, UK Yuko Murayama, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan Andreas Pfitzmann, TU Dresden, Germany Birgit Pfitzmann, IBM Research Lab., Switzerland Reinhard Posch, Graz University of Technology, Austria Jean-Jaques Quisquater, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium Kai Rannenberg, Goethe University of Frankfurt, Germany Erwin Rathgeb, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany Wolfgang Reif, University of Ausgburg, Germany Yves Roudier, Institut Eurécom, France Ryoichi Sasaki, Tokyo Denki University, Japan Andreas Schaad, SAP Research, Germany Christoph Schuba, SUN Microsystems Inc., USA Wolfram Schulte, Microsoft Research, USA Rainer Steinwandt, TH Karlsruhe, Germany Werner Stephan, DFKI, Germany Stuart Stubblebine, Stubblebine Consultings LLC, USA Joachim Swoboda, TU München, Germany Tsuyoshi Takagi, Future University Hakodate, Japan Kazuo Takaragi, Hitachi Ltd., Japan Masato Terada, Hitachi Ltd., Japan Dirk Timmermann, University of Rostock, Germany Anna Vaccarelli, Istituto di informatica e Telematica - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy Marianne Winslett, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA Eric Yu, University of Toronto, Canada Alf Zugenmaier, Docomo Lab, München, Germany ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Markus Ruch (Organization Chair) Stefan Sackmann (Vice Organization Chair) Rafael Accorsi (Workshops) Lutz Lowis (Web) Oliver Prokein (Finance) Moritz Strasser (Exhibition & Events) Dirk von Suchodoletz (Equipment & Infrastructure) Sven Wohlgemuth (Program) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN COOPERATION WITH: - DaimlerChrysler - Deutsche Bank - Deutsche Telekom - DoCoMo Euro-Labs - Endress + Hauser - Novartis - SAP - Siemens - Sparkasse Freiburg Nördlicher Breisgau ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACT: Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg, Telematics - Friedrichstr. 50 - D-79098 Freiburg, Germany E-mail: Web: ============================================================================
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