CALL FOR PAPERS Submission Deadline February 15, 2006 ============================================================================ Workshop Security and Privacy in Future Business Services ============================================================================ International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information and Communication Security /\ ||__^_ /\ ETRICS 2006 _/\_| \_||______________________________________________________________ June 6-9, 2006, FREIBURG, GERMANY http://www.etrics.org/workshops Individualization of business services is one of the most promising business development prospects for future markets. Customized products and services, individual price differentiation, personalized promotions, and location/time-sensitive addressing of customers are raising marketers attention. Particularly ubiquitous com¬puting technologies, with their mobile and wireless interfaces, are laying the grounds for these developments: information about purchase behavior and location, proximity, presence, after-sales usage patterns, and even personal emotional states will potentially be combined and analyzed. Technical progress, however, not only improves the available data pool but also results in new challenges for security and privacy. Handling the trade-off between high-quality individualized services and maintaining pri¬vacy and security seems to be a key factor for business success. Without suitable mechanisms for enforcing the correct handling of data collection and processing, new service ideas may not receive marketplace acceptance. This workshop therefore focuses on technical and economic mechanisms addressing the trade-off between privacy and individualization. It aims to bring together privacy experts on an international level to discuss recent advances in trust-promoting mechanisms. To this end, the workshop seeks submissions from academia and industry presenting novel research on theoretical and practical aspects of security and privacy technologies as well as economic models that may enforce a correct handling of sensitive data. Theoretical work, prototypes and experimental studies are equally welcome. Selected contributions will be invited to submit a full paper to a special issue of the Wirtschaftsinformatik journal. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: ================== * Valuation of personal data/private information * Private data markets and market mechanisms * Trust management from a business process perspective * Trust management from a technical perspective * Political dimensions of privacy and security * Drivers of technology acceptance: what is the role of privacy and security in a Technology Acceptance Model? * Empirical studies on privacy and/or security perception and behavior * Technical mechanisms to promote trust, privacy and security, especially - Reputation mechanisms - Architectures and models for identity management - Pseudonymity management - Anonymity - Authentication * Privacy and security for RFID and location-based technologies * Privacy-enhancing technologies for enterprises Important Dates: ================ February 15, 2006: Submission of position paper (send 2 pages to sackmann@iig.uni-freiburg.de), March 10, 2006: Notification of acceptance for the workshop, March 10, 2006: Invitation to submit a full paper to the journal Wirtschaftsinformatik Workshop Chairs: ================ Stefan Sackmann, University of Freiburg, Germany Sarah Spiekermann, University of Berlin, Germany Program Committee: ================== Alessandro Acquisti, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA Jens Grossklags, UC Berkeley, USA Marit Hansen, Independent Centre for Privacy Protection Schleswig-Holstein, Germany Marc Langheinrich, ETH Zurich, Switzerland Ursula Sury, Hochschulen für Wirtschaft und Technik und Architektur Luzern, Switzerland